Place order
Domains and DNS
Choose one or more domains:
Product and addons
Chosen: Change choice
Basic 2
(7,00 ex. VAT)
After first year the price is 34,00 ex. VAT / mo.Brand new lightning fast servers
We just bought brand new servers and offer hosting on lightning fast NVMe disks and CPU's on our basic 2 solution - at an unheard price the entire first year!
- 10 GB space on NVMe
- Free SSL
- Automated 1-click backup and restore
Pro 1
(23,00 ex. VAT)
After first year the price is 54,00 ex. VAT / mo.PRO 1 on sale
- NVMe, SSL, backup and recreation
- Prioritized access to CPU
- Support via phone and emergency phone number
- More RAM, space and traffic
PRO 2 og VIP
from 52,00 ex. VAT / mo
from 65,00 inc. VAT / mo50% on PRO 2 and VIP
- All the advantages of PRO 1
- Even higher priority to CPU resources
- Even more RAM, space and traffic
- The discount is valid for the entire order period (and yes, you can combine it with the usual period discount!)
- Domain
- Exchange
- Office 365
- Basic
- Pro
- Server
Register or transfer your domain to us, without ordering a hosting account. You will have access to our DNS-tool, so you will be in control of where the domain / domains point to, if the solution includes at least one domain that is billed through us.
Please note:
- The DNS-tool is not available on domain-solutions consisting purely of .dk-domains.
- If you just need an extra domain for an existing webhotel, please order it through customerlogin.
Subscription[BILLING_MONTHS] mo. x DKK [PRICE_MONTHLY]- 50 GB e-mail space
- 1 Exchange e-mail account
- Online calendar
- Outlook online
- Ad-free e-mail
- Spam and virus filter
- Managed Azure
Subscription[BILLING_MONTHS] mo. x DKK [PRICE_MONTHLY]- 50 GB e-mail space
- 1 Exchange e-mail account
- Online calendar
- Ad-free e-mail
- Spam and virus filter
- Managed Azure
- 1TB Cloud storage space
- Onedrive and Sharepoint
- Online- and mobile versions of office-applications
Subscription[BILLING_MONTHS] mo. x DKK [PRICE_MONTHLY]- 50 GB e-mail space
- 1 Exchange e-mail account
- Online calendar
- Ad-free e-mail
- Spam and virus filter
- Managed Azure
- 1TB Cloud storage space
- Onedrive and Sharepoint
- Online- and mobile versions of office-applications
- Offline / desktop versions of the office-applications, installed on up to 15 devices
Setup feeSetup fee for Basic 1 accountSubscription[BILLING_MONTHS] mo. x DKK [PRICE_MONTHLY]- 3GB SSD-serverspace
- Includes free SSL certificate (https)
- 1 database
- 256MB php_memory
- 1 free domain
- Free Joomla or Wordpress
Setup feeSetup fee for Basic 2 accountSubscription[BILLING_MONTHS] mo. x DKK [PRICE_MONTHLY]Campaign discount12 mo. x DKK 22- 10GB serverspace on lightning fast NVMe disks
- Includes free SSL certificate (https)
- 5 databases
- 1-click restore from weekly backup
- 512MB php_memory
- 1 free domain
- Free Joomla or Wordpress
Setup feeSetup fee for Pro 1 accountSubscription[BILLING_MONTHS] mo. x DKK [PRICE_MONTHLY]Campaign discount12 mo. x DKK 26- 30GB serverspace on lightning fast NVMe disks
- Includes free SSL certificate (https)
- 2 databases
- 1024MB php_memory
- Phone support and alarm phone
- 1-click restore from backup
- 1 free domain
- Free Joomla, Wordpress or webshop
Setup feeSetup fee for Pro 2 accountSubscription[BILLING_MONTHS] mo. x DKK [PRICE_MONTHLY]- 50GB serverspace on lightning fast NVMe disks
- Includes free SSL certificate (https)
- 10 databases
- 2048MB php_memory
- Phone support and alarm phone
- 1-click restore from backup
- 1 free domain
- Free Joomla, Wordpress or webshop
Setup feeSetup fee for VIP accountSubscription[BILLING_MONTHS] mo. x DKK [PRICE_MONTHLY]- 80GB serverspace on lightning fast NVMe disks
- 10 databases
- 4096MB php_memory
- Extended support
- Includes free SSL certificate (https)
- 1-click restore from backup
- 1 free domain
- Free Joomla, Wordpress or webshop
Setup feeSetup fee for Server 1Subscription[BILLING_MONTHS] mo. x DKK [PRICE_MONTHLY]- 20GB serverspace
- 0.5 CPU core - 2.3GHz
- 512MB RAM
- Server OS: Linux
- Phone support and alarm phone
- Access to all function included in our pro-solutions
Setup feeSetup fee for Server 2Subscription[BILLING_MONTHS] mo. x DKK [PRICE_MONTHLY]- 40GB serverspace
- 1 CPU cores - 2.3GHz
- 1024MB RAM
- Server OS: Linux
- Phone support and alarm phone
- Access to all function included in our pro-solutions
Setup feeSetup fee for Server 3Subscription[BILLING_MONTHS] mo. x DKK [PRICE_MONTHLY]- 80GB serverspace
- 2 CPU cores - 2.3GHz
- Server OS: Linux
- Phone support and alarm phone
- Access to all function included in our pro-solutions
Setup feeSetup fee for Server 4Subscription[BILLING_MONTHS] mo. x DKK [PRICE_MONTHLY]- 160GB serverspace
- 4 CPU cores - 2.3GHz
- Server OS: Linux
- Phone support and alarm phone
- Access to all function included in our pro-solutions
You can order addon products as soon as your account has been created. We offer all common addons, such as additional space, bandwidth, SSL certificates, private IP and so on. If you need more information you are welcome to contact us.
CMS - Wordpress or Joomla
You can install wordpress or joomla with just a few clicks on all hosting accounts, if you want us to install it for you, please select wordpress or joomla here. It's free!
- Wordpress
- Joomla
- No thanks
Wordpress is the worlds most used CMS. If you don't have prior experience creating websites wordpress is one of the easiest systems to get your site going fast.
Joomla is a good choice if you need to handle large amounts of data on your website and are not afraid of a slighly more complicated system. Joomla was the worlds most used CMS for a period, but has been overtaken by Wordpress. We recommend Joomla if you have previous experience with it - otherwise Wordpress is probably a better choice.
No CMS - you handle your system yourself.
If you are building a webshop we are happy to help install it, but recommend that you choose at least a pro1-solution.
Customer information
Already have an account? Click here!If you already have an account with us you can fetch your information automatically - But don't forget to check that it is still correct!
Enter your username and password here:
Fetch my informationEjer-informationer
ex. "Anon Nymos"
ex. "Banana Import ltd."
ex. "Cocktail Divers"
ex. "12345678"
ex. "1234567890123"
ex. "22b Hollywood Av."
ex. "Apartment 143"
ex. "12345 Sometown"
ex. "12345678" (dk) or "+46 123456789" (others)
Can be the same as Telephone - used to send SMS in certain situations
Owners e-mail
Backup e-mail - used in case of problems with primary
We use this e-mail for technical matters
ex. "Anon Nymos"
ex. "Banana Import ltd."
ex. "Cocktail Divers"
ex. "12345678"
ex. "1234567890123"
ex. "22b Hollywood Av."
ex. "Apartment 143"
ex. "12345 Sometown"
ex. "12345678" (dk) or "+46 123456789" (others)
Can be the same as Telephone - used to send SMS in certain situations
We use this email adress for billing
Backup e-mail - used in case of problems with primary
Payment method
- Online
- Bank
Secure online payment with all major creditcards or mobilepay. Payments are registered instantly, and your order will be executed within a couple of hours during business hours.
Bank-transfers take at least one weekday and often more before we register payment. Your order will not be executed before we have registered the payment.
Only possible within Denmark. We'll send you an invoice through ordinary snail-mail. It may take up to 2 weekdays for the letter to reach you, and an additional 2 days before payment is registered. Your order will not be executed before we have registered the payment.
EAN billing requires a valid Danish EAN-number. Your order will not be executed before we have registered the payment.
Coupon code
If you have a coupon code, this is where to write it. If you enter a valid coupon code the discount will be included in the calculation on the right.
Automatic renewal
Would you like to automatically renew the agreement when the first period expires?
(you can change this setting at any time before the notice deadline)
It is your responsibility to cancel your agreement within the notice deadline.
By choosing automatic renewal you ensure that your solution will continue to work, even if for some reason you do not pay the next period in a timely fashion. We will try everything in our power to contact you, and make sure your domains etc. do not expire in the meantime. But there will be reminder fees and the original invoice has to be paid even if you do not use or do not need your solution any more.It is your responsibility to renew the agreement before expiry.
By letting your agreement expire when the original period runs out, you eliminate the risk of reminder fees. On the other hand it will be your own responsibility to renew the agreement in time if you still need your solution. If you do not pay in a timely fashion the solution will be closed automatically and a fee will apply if you want to reopen it.Comments
Hvis du bestiller PRO1, PRO2 eller VIP kan vi flytte din eksisterende hjemmeside for dig uden ekstra omkostning! Se forudsætningerne her...If you have additional comments regarding the order please enter them here:
Terms and agreements
To register a .dk domain name, you have to enter into an agreement with Punktum dk A/S. Punktum dk is the administrator for all .dk domain names.
Domain name:
Domain names:
Domain administrator:
Punktum dk A/S
Ørestads Boulevard 108, 11th floor
DK-2300 Copenhagen SI hereby agree to enter into an agreement on the right to use the specified .dk domain name according to the terms applicable hereto. Among other things, this means that I will ensure that my contact details as a registrant are accurate at all times. I will perform Punktum dk A/S' identity check when requested to do so.
My right to use the specified .dk domain name may be transferred, suspended, deleted, or blocked according to the conditions set out in Punktum dk A/S' terms of use.
Pursuant to Section 18 (2) (13) of the Danish Consumer Contract Act, I agree to renounce the right to withdraw from the agreement on the right to use the specified .dk domain name(s).
I give my consent for Punktum dk A/S, as domain administrator, to use my personal data in accordance with its personal data policy.
I agree that I will pay to Internet 123 ApS the fee for the first registration period for the specified .dk domain name, and that payment for subsequent registration periods depends on my choice of management arrangement, cf. section 2.1 of Punktum dk A/S' terms and conditions.
Yes, I accept the user agreement with Punktum dk A/S
Yes, I accept that Internet 123 handles my .dk-domain: Yes, I accept that Internet 123 handles my .dk-domains:By letting Internet 123 handle your domain(s), you consent to letting Internet 123 make payments, manage nameservers, change contact information and cancel the domain name(s) on your behalf.
You can retract your consent at any time through DK Hostmasters self service portal.
Read more about DK Hostmaster here
Yes, I accept the terms and conditions for Internet 123 ApS