Enjoy your summer from Internet 123 – 2012
Internet 123 wants to wish all our customers a good summer!
In this mail you can read about:
– 3 tips for the holiday
– Improvements with Internet 123
– Give us compliment or criticism
3 tips for the holiday
Before you set off on holiday we have the following tips for you:
Read your e-mails through webmail while you are away.
Secure access to webmail through customer login.
http://login.i123.dk/ –> Click Users / e-mail –> Click Webmail
Direct access to webmail.
In your browser (fx. Internet Explorer) type in mail.yourdomainname.dk/webmail
Clean up your email accounts before leaving. That way you avoid the inbox filling up resulting in lack of disk space.
Autoreply while you are away can be created through customer login. http://login.i123.dk/ –> Click Users / e-mail
Only use autoreply as needed, as it increases the risk of spam abuse.
Improvements with Internet 123
Internet 123 is happy to “unveil” a selection of our recent improvements to customer login and our website:
– You can now follow your usage statistics directly on the front page of customer login.
– We can create a master login for you if you have more than one webhotel with Internet 123.
– Better creation and editing of e-mail accounts.
– Even larger bandwidth limits for PRO and VIP customers
– It is now possible to add a webmaster e-mail which we will use any time we need to get in touch regarding technical matters.
– It is possible to pay several years ahead and we offer a discount if you choose to do so.
– Our terms and conditions have been updated; refer to our news-page:
– You can order several domains on a single order via our website: https://www.i123.dk
– “Back to scratch”. Hosting accounts created since the launch of our new system has a special reset function that rolls back the webhotel to the original state.
– Restore from server backups. PRO and VIP customers can fetch individual files directly from our daily server backups. Typically the previous 40 days are covered as well as a monthly backup 9-12 months back.
Give us compliments or criticism
If you have compliments, criticism, or ideas for how we can improve the new site further please do not hesitate to contact us.
At Internet 123 we will always work to give you the best experience as well as the best hosting.
You can write us any time through your customer login or through our public support form:
You can also follow us on our news page: https://www.i123.dk/nyheder/
Kind regards
Internet 123